What came first, the bunny or the egg? In many cultures, the egg symbolizes new life and rebirth, making it a fitting symbol for springtime celebrations. The tradition of hiding eggs likely originated in Germany in the 16th century and spread to other parts of Europe and America. Children would search for the hidden eggs, which were often dyed in bright colors and decorated with designs. The Easter Bunny, with its association with fertility and new life, became a popular addition to the tradition of egg hunting. Today, the Easter Bunny and egg hunting are beloved Easter traditions enjoyed by families around the world.
Are you looking for a Sonoma county opportunity to celebrate the Easter tradition of egg hunting? Check out the fun in Sonoma!

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is organized by the Soroptimist International of Sonoma Valley. Be sure to arrive early to have your pictures taken with the Peter Rabbit.
Appropriate for walking toddlers thru children 11 years old.